Colloidal Silver


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The Wonder Cure Time Forgot

Protect your health

Colloidal silver was once used worldwide to fight infection and prevent disease. In the 1940's newly discovered antibiotic 'miracle drugs' proved to be economical and extremely effective for treating disease. Microbes that escape being killed by antibiotics often mutate into superforms of microbes and reproduce. Eventually these 'superbugs' replace the original strains, and the original antibiotic is no longer effective. Simple infections can escalate into fatal illnesses as more and more antibiotic resistant grains of microbes evolve into untreatable forms. Because of overuse of antibiotics, thousands of people die every year from antibiotic resistant diseases.

Fortunately, every dark cloud has a silver lining! Today, highly technical processing techniques bring us colloidal silver that is better than ever. Prior to the introduction of antibiotic drugs, colloidal silver reportedly proved successful in treating over 650 infectious conditions. This powerful antibiotic alternative offers new hope against the diseases of today.

Colloidal Silver Rediscovered

Before 1938 colloidal silver proved to be useful in treating over 650 different infectious conditions.

The use of silver goes back to ancient Egypt where it was used to prevent disease and as a medicinal treatment for the ailing. Silver continued to be used as a remedy in the Middle Ages to treat wounds in battle. In ancient Greece and Rome silver containers were used to keep liquids fresh American settlers often used to immerse silver dollars in milk to delay spoiling.

Properly prepared colloidal silver is a broad spectrum, disinfecting antibiotic alternative that can significantly reduce the severity and length of almost any type of bacterial infection It acts as a catalyst to disable enzymes that all one-celled bacteria, fungi and viruses use to breathe. They either starve or suffocate and die. Tests show that colloidal silver is toxic to all tested species of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, parasites and many viruses. There are only eight pathogens that researchers say are silver resistant. Laboratory tests show pathogens are destroyed within minutes of contact and resistant strains of not develop. This is also true of staph and strep bacteria. Parasites are killed in the egg stage. Colloidal silver does not destroy adult parasites, however.

Today's colloidal silver appears to protect the body's natural enzymes and stimulate new growth to replace damaged tissue. It is totally non toxic to humans and animals. Tasteless and odourless, properly prepared colloidal silver can be used orally, rectally, vaginally, topically, and atomized into the nose, lungs and eyes. Products that promote sublingual absorption are also available. There have never been any recorded cases of drug interference with any other medication or side effects. There are no reported incidences of overdosing, regardless of the amount of colloidal silver ingested. Colloidal silver does not harm the liver, kidneys, or any other organ. Unfortunately, colloidal silver does not discriminate between good and bad bacteria. If it is ingested into the stomach, taking broad-spectrum probiotic with meals is advisable to restore friendly bacteria. Yoghurt or acidophilus can be used temporarily.

Colloidal silver is a safe remedy for the youngest child to the oldest adult and of course it can be given to animals. It is not addicting, nor does the body develop intolerance to it. Pregnant and lactating women can also benefit from colloidal silver. It is always best to follow the advise of a naturopathic physician, nutritionist, or other health care professional for dosage, just as you would when taking any vitamin or mineral supplement. Unlike iodine and alcohol, it will not sting when applied as a disinfectant to the skin. When we were born, the doctor immediately disinfected our eyes with a diluted solution of silver has now largeIy replaced silver nitrate in ophthalmology.

Silver Is Essential to Life!

The human body contains about .001% silver. We obtain silver and all minerals in the body through the food we eat. There are billions of living organisms in a handful of soil, which break down the minerals so they can be assimilated into the plant. when we eat the plant, these minerals (now in an ionic form) are absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to various organs to be utilised. This is how nature intended us to get our minerals. Long ago, kings and queens were called 'blue bloods' because of the silver content of their blood and the blueness of their skin. Royalty used silver plates, bowls and utensils almost exclusively when eating. Over a long period of time, they ingested large particles of silver that caused a permanent discoloration of the skin due to silver compound deposits. This condition is known today as argyria. There is no danger of argyria happening today if using pure silver (99.999%) in manufacturing is colloid.

Minerals in the soil control metabolism of cells in man, plants and animals. Soil has become so depleted, trace minerals are not available for adequate nourishment. Silver is a trace mineral that has literally disappeared from the soil. If we cannot get the quality of nutrients from the food we eat, deficiencies develop.

Colloidal Chemistry

Colloidal chemistry is a process that changes the molecular structure of a substance without changing the substance itself. Many ordinary substances are produced from colloids, such as rubber, leaded glass, soap and plastics. In this case, silver is converted into particles so minute, they can be utilized by living cells. Tissues in the body are composed of billions of cells. Colloidal minerals and metals known as electrolytes are generally supplied to the body from the food and water we ingest and are vital to providing 'energy' to all of our cells.

At the turn of the century, scientists discovered that blood and lymphatic fluids are colloidal in nature. This breakthrough led to endless possibilities for medical treatment. Silver was proven and accepted germ fighter and colloidal silver became the mainstay in treating infectious disease with varying success. Failures were primarily due to inconsistent manufacturing processes. Silver particles were too large to pass through the mucus membrane in the digestive tract wall, and so they were passed out of the body through the colon. The remaining submicron particles left in the solutions were not potent enough to be significantly effective. Even so, positive results in these early times were phenomenal, and many scientific studies and examples of the use of colloidal silver were published in prestigious medical journals.

For centuries the most popular method for producing colloidal silver was to grind the sliver into a fine powder manually, or chemically by using acids. The powder appeared to dissolve in water, however, it did not remain in suspension and settled to the bottom of the container. These particles also had a tendency to clump together. The use of protein stabilisers corrected this problem, allowing particles to settle slowly. Stabilisers encase the silver particle and prevent the colloid from being totally absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore diminishing its effectiveness. However, manufacturers that use protein stabilisers in colloidal silver solutions have much greater success today then in earlier times. Chemical acids used to grind silver are difficult to extract from the solution. Trace amounts of the chemicals may be toxic to the consumer. The main concern that all of the colloidal silver producers had in common in the early years, regardless of manufacturing methods was an inconsistency in particle size. Recognising the need for finer particles, scientists experimented using silver silt, which is silver that has been nitrates, oxides, iodides, or SuIphides, etc. They all proved toxic to some extent In 1924, the first colloidal silver using an electrical process was introduced. It appeared to be a superior colloidal product, but it cost about $100 an ounce to produce.

Effective Silver Colloids

A colloid consists of ultrafine particles that are typically 0.1 to 0.001 of a micron in diameter, suspended in a medium of different matter. Millions of colloids could fit on a match head. A micron is one millionth or 1/1000 of a millimetre. As a matter of reference, the naked eye can see a 50 micron hair. A bacteria may range in size formimicronsto3omicrons. A virus ranges in size from .006 microns to about .1 microns. As a result, in the early days of colloidal silver usage, larger particles of silver in solution may have been effective against bacteria but could not immobilise a virus. Particle size in solution should not exceed .5 microns to neutralise bacteria. However, silver particles in suspension must be in the range of .05 to .001 microns in diameter to be effective against microscopically small viruses, and this size will also neutralise harmful bacteria and fungi. Virtually all of the manufacturing processed today can produce silver particles in the submicron range. Because of advanced manufacturing technology, today's colloidal silver is far superior to anything available in the distant past.

Property Produced Colloidal Silver

Today, the most popular method of producing colloidal silver is a highly technical, electro colloidal, nonchemical method in which the silver particles are electrically charged and held in suspension in a solution of deionized or distilled water. Electro colloidal silver is not affected by gravity because the particles have a uniform electrical charge, causing them to repel each other and keeping them in a homogenous solutions. Electrically charged silver particles are in constant motion and can remain in suspension for several moths or years in the container. Other methods to produce colloidal silver are also used, and for the most part they result in very good products, such as mild silver proteins, that are safe and effective.

Several devices on the market allow you to make your own colloidal silver at home very inexpensively. Because of the poor quality of silver available to the general public, home-brewed colloidal silver often becomes a dangerous product. Inferior silver contains such poisons as arsenic, mercury, and lead. Contaminated water and enhancement additive, such as salt, become toxic to the body when processed with silver. Additionally, you would have to drink gallons of the homemade colloid solution for it to be effective as a few ounces of a commercially produced colloidal silver product.

You also risk killing off all the friendly bacteria in your digestive system, and this can ultimately make you more toxic. Using the 'good stuff' is worth the cost. It will prove more economical in the long run.

Reputable colloidal silver manufacturers use 99.999% pure silver, which costs about $600 an ounce, They use the highest quality 'injectable grade' water for the solution and the process of creating the final product is quite involved. Additionally, manufacturing costs and equipment are high, yet manufacturers are still able to provide the finished product at a fraction of the pre 1938 price. Most manufacturers of colloidal silver are very serious about producing the best product they can. For this reason they have formed the Nutritional Mineral Industry Group, an association of industry professionals that has established and adopted labelling compliance requirements for its members and is dedicated to providing accurate labelling in compliance with the current FDA regulations. This industry group was created to protect this important product category and the consumers right to make their own informed choices.

Understanding PPM and Therapeutic Particles

Some time ago electro colloidal silver manufacturers found that the maximum number of particles produced by electrical charges was generally 3 to 5 ppm (parts per million) before plating or clustering occurred. Plating happens when particles enter the solution and are pressed closer and closer together. When the charge on the particle is no longer strong enough to repel it from its neighbour, the particles bonds to create a larger particle. Now greater and greater particles gobble up millions of small particles. Laboratory tests show that ppm can go from fewer than 5 to sometimes over 500. These clusters may be .05 microns in diameter, small enough to pass the mucus membrane barrier and to immobilise a virus or bacteria. However, a particle may have a thousand other particles clustered to it which dramatically reduces the number of therapeutic particles in suspension. You can liken this to meting down millions of silver bullets to make a cannonball. Yes, both can kill the virus or bacteria, but you only get one shot with the cannonball. The quality' and effectiveness of colloidal silver are determined by the silver particles under .05 micron size, the number of therapeutic particles suspended in solution and the ppm concentration.

Effectively fighting against fast growing bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast spores may require literally millions or perhaps billions of therapeutic silver particles. Every ounce of colloidal silver solution of 3 to 5 ppm has 100 million to 1 billion therapeutic particles small enough to kill viruses.  As a result of modern technology, companies are now producing clear colloidal silver solutions that range form 20-200 billion therapeutic particles per ounce. As technology continues to improve, this number wilt go up, and ppm will rise from 5 to 500 without clustering or plating or particles. To achieve these results with higher ppm, more sophisticated electrical charges are used to produce solutions of silver rather then colloids of silver.

Measuring the pH level of the colloid solution will give a good indication of how many particles in the solution are effective. The pH reading should measure above 6.5. If it does not, the solution contains an excess of silver oxides, which are inert as therapeutic particles. The largest particle size and the average particle size of a solution can be verified in a laboratory that has a scanning electron microscope.

The best colloidal silver generally ranges from colourless to a pale golden yellow. Darker colours of a silver solution generally indicate increased particle size, which may reflect a decrease in therapeutic particles in suspension. Colour variance also depends upon the concentration and the presence or absence of additives. Additives may or may not be toxic. Colloidal silver does not need to be refrigerated but should be kept in a dark place because it is light sensitive. The product's requiring refrigeration is an indication that it may contain some ingredient that might spoil at room temperature. Keep it away form magnets and magnetic fields, such as computers and microwaves, because exposure may cause plating or a residue of silver particles to settle in the container. This in itself is not harmful, but it can reduce the overall effectiveness of the solution.

The Pharmaceutical Movement

People often ask, 'if this stuff is so terrific, why haven't I heard about it before?' Much of the colloidal research was set aside due to the introduction of penicillin and other fast working, less costly and more profitable pharmaceuticals. Actually, using the allopathic, medical approach to treating infectious disease is relatively new but is already in serious trouble because of changing pathogenic microbes, Often nasty side effects accompany the use of drugs and medications do not treat the cause of disease. For literally thousands of years people have used food, herbs, fasting, colon cleansing and other natural methods to strengthen the immune system to keep themselves healthy and to prevent disease. Today there is a tremendous resurgence of this information and practice.

Antibiotic Resistant Disease

Antibiotic resistant disease has reached epidemic proportions in the world and the effectiveness of antibiotics is rapidly decreasing. When an antibiotic is taken, even if one pathogenic microbe out of trillions escapes death, it can reproduce, creating supermicrobes that are constantly evolving. Some microbes can reproduce in as little as 20 minutes. The media is openly acknowledging that because of the overuse of antibiotics, we have created strains of supermicrobes that are unkillable by any antibiotic. Penicillin and its descendants have side effects that cause problems such as nausea, abdominal pain, and candida.

Hope form the Past

The increasing medical interest in silver reflects a growing demand in the public health sector for a return to biological medicine. Even in the presence of salts and normal constituents of the blood colloidal silver remains stable. Colloidal silver is both a treatment and a preventative measure for infections of any kind. When taken internally, colloidal silver is resistant to the action of the acids and alkalis of the stomach and passes unchanged into the intestine. This is good news for such conditions as diarrhoea, bacillary dysentery, ulcerative uricaria, and forms of dermatitis suggestive of toxaemia.

In Dr Robert Becker's second book, Cross Currents, he states that silver was doing something more than killing disease organisms, it was also causing major growth stimulation of diseased tissues, and cancer cells were changed back into normal cells. He noted that burn patients and the elderly noticed more rapid healing then before taking silver. His research confirmed what other tests evidenced that strains of pathogens resistant to antibiotics are killed by the action, of colloidal silver.

Colloidal silver will neutralise viruses on contact, however, viruses surround themselves with a protein shield and bury themselves between the cells of the body, often making them difficult to eradicate. ('Outbreak of Fear; Newsweek; May 22, 1995). One health professional suggested the use of an oxygen therapy product such as magnesium octazone' (generic term) to break down the protein shield in order to expose the virus to the silver particles. Oxygen products are available in health food stores, and the book Oxygen Healing Therapies by Nathaniel Altman is a fine reference guide. Remember, if you smoke or drink, the effectiveness of colloidal silver may be reduced because it has to deal with those toxins, also.

How Much Should I Take?

Each manufacturer of colloidal silver bases recommended use on its particular product, so oral dosages vary. As advised earlier, it is a good idea to follow up with a broad spectrum probiotic. Children and babies may be given smaller amounts then adults. For pets, put colloidal silver in food or a small amount of water, making sure the animal consumes it all. You may also use a dropper and put the solution down the throat or into the eyes or ears. Colloidal silver can be added to plant water to prevent or kill mod and various other harmful organisms. It can be sprayed on fruits and vegetables (such as avocados and bananas) to keep them from turning brown. More then half the world's airlines now use silver water filters to guard against such waterborne diseases as dysentery. NASA selected a silver system for the space shuttle after testing 23 different methods of purification.

Many hold the opinion that having sufficient silver in the body is akin to having a second immune system. Fortunately the wonder cure that time forgot is available again. This old germ fighter is in new form and even more effective then in the past. Colloidal silver may help make you well, and one day it could even save your life? I hope it is in your medicine cabinet.


From Higher Nature 118.3ml £38.00

Silver solution pump spray 29.6ml £12.00