Home New Products Links Free Newsletters Sports Nutrition Weight Management Bone Joint Muscle Products Brain Food Top Selling Products Digestive Products Antioxidants Immune System Circulation Health News Myths Juicing Ailments Women's Specials Contact Me Place Your Order Business Opportunities Nantucket Nectars Aloe Vera Juice Noni Fruit Nopal/Prickly Pear MGN-3 Armit Kalash Velvet Antler Product Index | | Human bones join with each other in a variety of ways to serve and
support functional requirements of the musculoskeletal system. The most
important function is mobility. The flexibility of our bodies depends greatly on
the effectiveness of our joints and neuromuscular units all working together.
Muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone all work hard to ensure
mobility and flexibility through life. The cartilage that surrounds our joints
is called articular cartilage, this is a smooth lubricated surface, its durable
and pliable and acts as an abscriber to our joints.
In most cases of back pain, joint strain, stiffness or aches associated with
joints, there is damage to the tissues of the joints. Usually the first tissue
affected is the cartilage. Cartilage is there to cushion joints and to allow
joint surfaces to glide smoothly over each other.
Cartilage is the first casualty of wear and tear, this is the first stage of
arthritis, it looses its durability and becomes denser and harder, particularly
in the discs of the back. If this cartilage layer becomes thinner through
injury, this can cause muscle spasm, trapped nerve and pain.
Products that support the cartilage and the collagen are very important in
helping our bodies maintain mobility.
MSM plays a part in the production of collagen, the tough fibres within
cartilage that provide its tensile strength. Collagen is also vital in
supporting ligaments and tendons.
Glucosamine Sulphate is found naturally in the body, mainly in the
cartilage, ligaments and tendons and has been scientifically proven to help
fight osteoarthritis. Chrondroitin is another product found naturally in the
body again mainly in the cartilage.
Note :- These products do work and have no side effects unlike NSAID's which
take away the pain while damaging your stomach and liver. Yes, these are natural
products that occur in the body but need to be taken regularly.