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What is Glucosamine Sulphate?

The connective tissue and cartilage in your body includes a natural compound called glucosamine. Glucosamine is involved in the formation of your nails, tendons, skin, eyes, bones, ligaments and heart valves. It also plays a role in the mucous secretions of your digestive, respiratory and urinary tracts. Most importantly, it contributes to the strength and integrity of joint structures.

Why a Sulphate version of Glucosamine?

Glucosamine Sulphate is a simple molecule composed of glucose and amine (nitrogen and two molecules of hydrogen) and sulfar. Your joints are rich in sulfar molecules, which form important cross-linkages with other molecules. These cross-linkages provide cartilage with a strength, structure and shock absorbing properties. That's one reason Glucosamine Sulphate is the preferred form of Glucosamine.

Arthritis causes destruction of cartilage in the joints, and although many medications relieve the symptoms, conventional medicine has nothing to offer in terms of controlling or reversing the condition, the most common drug used is ibuprofen. These drugs can be dangerous to use long term, they have a number of side effects including peptic ulceration and damage to the liver and kidneys. However, if mechanism of the body to make cartilage and other connective tissues is intact arthritis can be stabilised and the condition reversed, it is completely safe, natural remedy that stimulates healing with new cartilage growth to cover the surface of the bone, yes Glucosamine Sulphate does this!

Professor Rovati at the Rotta Research Laboratorium in Monza has discovered that the Glucosamine Sulphate molecule support the metabolism of joint cartilage. His studies have indicated that Glucosamine Sulphate is the most powerful and effective substance for the treatment of osteoarthritis, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Also that the associated macro nutrients in Glucosamine Sulphate play a major role in the formation of cushioning ingredients in the joint fluids and surrounding tissues, thus it has been associated helping synovial fluid thicken and become more elastic in joints and vertebrae.


Glucosamine Sulphate is quickly becoming the most popular alternative medicine for arthritis. Why ? because it fixes the problem, not just the symptom!


This is the famous ancestor of our currant. It is an analgesic, antipyretic, antiseptic and astringent. Willow Bark has been used to treat a wide variety of symptoms including arthritis, bursitis, tennis elbow, colds, flu's and fevers. Contrary to popular believe, White Willow Bark is not for reducing pain, it is for reducing swelling that causes the pain. Salicylic acid in asprin was developed from White Willow Bark's naturally occurring salicin in the form of glycoside. This cuts down on the acid and therefore makes White Willow Bark easier on the stomach.