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Oraflow Plus : Premium Antioxidant Formula from
Nutrition for Life
Cardiovascular disease is a number one killer and the
most common form of heart disease is arteriosclerosis, which is hardening of the
arteries due to the build up of fatty deposits (plague) within the blood vessels
As these deposits build up, the flow of blood becomes
restricted and the heart has to work harder. Eventually, this problem can cause
a heart attack or stroke. High cholesterol levels are identified as a
contributory factor in the build up of plague, but scientists agree that
chemical substances known as free radicals are also a major factor. Free
radicals are actually produced in our body tissues as a by-product of normal
metabolism and the body uses them to advantage, but in excess they are very
harmful. Free radicals enter the body as a result of pollution and such things
as cigarette smoke, caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea and coke), radiation, petrol
and diesel fumes. They are also in the air we breathe and the water we drink.
More and more we hear about the long term impact of fertilisers, insecticides
and chemical additives that are used to grow and process the food we eat.
Free radicals are unstable molecules, when present in
excessive amounts they attach themselves to stable molecules, causing them to
become unstable and a chain reaction occurs. There was a time when a well
balanced diet was all you needed to live a healthy and active life, but sadly
today even a well balanced nourished system can be overwhelmed by the free
radicals and pollution with which it is constantly attacked.
Oraflow Plus is a specially formulated high quality
nutritional supplement, high in antioxidants which can assist your body to
counteract and minimise harmful effects of free radicals, a full and powerful
vitamin/mineral supplement. It provides extra nutritional support for the
cardiovascular and circulatory system, and provides protection against the
effects of pollution and smoking. Antioxidants have been hailed by the medical
profession as the secret to a long and healthy life, they are like our own
fighting soldiers in our bodies as they scavenge and neutralise free radicals.
Antioxidants behave like scavengers, mopping up free radicals, which research
suggests are linked to over fifty of our prevalent diseases, including heart
disease, arthritis and cancers.
Oraflow Plus has been used effectively in cases of
high blood pressure, high cholesterol and arterial blockages. All the most
powerful antioxidants are included, in possibly the most potent antioxidant
formula on the market, including Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A.
Oraflow Plus Ingredients
Vitamin A and D: Helps the eyes, teeth and gums, hair,
blood and colds.
Vitamin C: Works in conjunction with the above vitamins,
helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus
Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12
Niacin, Choline, Biotin, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium,
From Nutrition For Life :-
300 tablets at £56.00