Shark Cartilage


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Angiogenic diseases as cancer, psoriasis, diabetic retinopathy, neovascular glaucoma, osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammation are some of the most common maladies associated with angiogenesis and are therefore likely to be controlled by antiangiogenesis.


While cancer annually afflicts over 1 million new victims in the United States alone, there are 70 millions Americans who suffer from arthritis. About 15 % of the world's population is afflicted with osteoarthritis, making it one of the most common chronic disorders. The lower back, arm, legs, fingers, knees, and shoulders are only some of the disease, or by the more debilitating rheumatoid arthritis.


Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease primarily affecting the Joints of the body. Joint defects, muscle wasting, and bone and cartilage destruction are all associated with this disorder.

Rheumatoid arthritis ranges in severity from a relatively trivial ailment that occurs once and never again, to a chronic condition that involves one of several joints, to a form that leads to complete invalidism. there are about 8 million rheumatoid arthritis sufferers in the United States who require medical attention.

Although the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is still a mystery, it Is known that abnormal capillary growth can destroy joint cartilage; therefore, persistent angiogenesis appears to be at the root of the disease.


Osteoarthritis (OA), or osteoarthrosis, is a destructive disease of the cartilage, which Is the cartilage in joints. This degenerative joint disease is the most prevalent rheumatic disorder affecting the muscle-skeletal system; 40 million people suffer from it in the United States alone. Orteoarthritis probably results at least in part from immune-system response.

Excess pressure will cause cartilage to fragment at sites of high stress. Researches believe that the body's immune system may interpret the fragments as injury. The body's response to the "Injury" would be to generate inflammation at the site, resulting In swelling and some of the painful symptoms of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis may also begin with degeneration and thinning of the articular cartilage. Subsequent invasion of blood vessels Into normally avascular cartilage then causes the cartilage to calcify.

Dr. Lane: "Clinical grade shark cartilage" appears to block the angiogenic process, and thereby significantly reduces joint inflammation and pain. These effects are achieved in part because of the large and effective amounts of mucopolysaccharides contained in clinical grade shark cartilage. The inflammation fighting mucopolysaccharides work with the angiogenesis-fighting protein to produce a response that is much more significant than the response either might produce if it working alone. This synergistic effect stops inflammation, pain and further breakdown of the cartilage.


Psoriasis affects millions of people, most commonly persistently on the scalp, elbow, and knees but also on the entire body. Psoriasis is characterized by excessive growth and shedding of the outer layer in the skin. The condition may depend on abnormal capillary growth in the skin, resulting in unusually large increases in skin thickness above the capillary bed.

Treatment of psoriasis involves corticosteroid creams and ointments, coal tar preparations, and ultraviolet light. In extreme cases, methotrexate - a drug that may damage the liver- is used. The response to these therapies is erratic and in most cases must be considered poor.

Experiences with "clinical grade shark cartilage" and psoriasis are limited but Dr. Lane already indicates that the dosage level for psoriasis is 15-25 grams daily depending on body weight. Be aware that with this

treatment, the itching and the scales, will be the first symptoms to disappear. Without the scales, the capillary vessels will be more apparent. This capillary bed will also slowly disappear over a period of six to ninety days.

We recommend that you take your time to read all the information on this website carefully, and with the power of knowledge You can make the right decision.


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